Archive of Past Shows

Joel Richardson shares about a new documentary from Iran that proclaims: "The Messiah is about to appear!" But the Iranian Messiah revealed in this mo

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Tens of thousands worldwide have been powerfully touched through Georgian Banov's ecstatic worship and praise music! When he plays his violin outrageo

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Have you lost your impossible dream? Leif Hetland has a gift from God to teach you to dream. Dream with God and watch those dreams come to pass! It's

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Surprise Sithole has prayed for 8 dead people who came back to life! Those under him prayed for more than 100 dead people who have come back to life!

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Leif Hetland says, "The sky's the Limit when you are not walking in a love deficit!" Learn how to fill up on the love of Father God! Leif wants you to

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Have the answers to your prayers been stuck on "pause"? Kerry Kirkwood shares how a lifestyle of speaking blessings can unlock supernatural breakthrou

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We are in the season of the great wealth transfer that is coming to believers in Jesus the Messiah. It's time to stop being in debt and simply survivi

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The familiar way to pray for healing is to follow a formula or to get stirred up in the Spirit before you pray. But usually only a few get healed. Den

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Walid Shoebat, a former Muslim Terrorist, says seven nations will rise up to destroy the Anti-Christ. Will America be one of those nations? Get ready

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After a supernatural encounter with God he told his students that Jesus is the only way to real spiritual enlightenment! Mike shares how we can avoid

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