Archive of Past Shows

Daniel Kolenda has seen millions of people healed and he says it’s so easy you can do it too! Get ready as he unlocks the secrets of healing in

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A.J. Jones suffered from severe asthma and was suicidal until she experienced the supernatural love of God! Now she walks daily in the supernatural an

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Rebecca Greenwood has uncovered an insidious plot against our children and grandchildren. Latest statistics show only 4% of this next generation will

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Joan Hunter prayed for a woman who was released from such torment of trauma that she instantly went from size 18 to 14. Then the next day she went to

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Bill Morford says the power and the culture of the original Bible was hijacked by the English translators. His case is very convincing! They removed

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Gary Kah has spent a lifetime trying to understand and expose the Anti-Christ’s economic, religious and political system that is now being secre

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Are you stressed out? Are you fearful due to the global economic shaking and the pessimistic forecasts? Joan Hunter’s supernatural faith for fin

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Phillip Fields shares a supernatural way where you can finally stop walking in a gigantic circle and begin to walk straight into your God-given destin

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Dennis Jerningan was a practicing homosexual. Not only was he supernaturally set free, but today he is married and has nine children. The miraculous e

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Time is running short for America. The same pattern for God’s judgment on ancient Israel is being played out in America. Listen to Part 1. ̶

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