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Former Hostage to U.S. Congress with Netanyahu…
Former Hostage visits US

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Gaza-Based CNN freelance journalist worked with, supported Hamas, watchdog report finds…
CNN Writer Colluded with Hamas

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11 funerals for IDF commanders, soldiers held across Israel as nation mourns…
IDF soldiers honored

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The Islamic Republic of Iran’s use of artificial intelligence (AI) to crack down on its populace is having a particular impact on the freedoms of Iranian women….
AI Warning

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Google is coming under sharp criticism…
AI Under Fire

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Jewish students at the University of Texas say escalating antisemitism is spiraling into pure ‘Jew Hatred’…
Protestors at the University of Texas

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‘Kill Them And Have No Mercy’: ISIS release a 90-second sick selfie film showing terror attack on Moscow…
police car with people in background

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Footage proves: Hezbollah stores dangerous chemicals in civilian neighborhood…
Chemical warfare

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Prince William visited the Western Marble Arch Synagogue in London to hear about the rise in antisemitism…
Man in synagogue

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