Archive of Past Shows

Jim Hockaday as a director of Rhema Healing School saw few miracles until he received a divine revelation.

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When Sandra Kennedy prays, people get healed! Hear her supernatural faith-building stories and get ready to receive your miracle.

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Nathan Morris was a young man with serious addictions and an immoral lifestyle until he watched a supernatural video. The Glory of God filled the room

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It was NORMAL for the early believers in Messiah to walk in the Supernatural Power of God with signs and wonders commonplace – thousands healed

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Is there a literal hell? If so, what is it like? How can we avoid going there? Bill Wiese was chosen by God to visit hell and share his experience wit

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Lightning has struck twice in the life of the pastor of the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida where over 4 million people came from all over t

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Charles Vance was once struggling to make ends meet. Then he learned Kingdom principles that radically transformed his life. Today he and his wife enj

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John Paul Jackson will teach you how to recover the things that have been stolen from you or your family. God is a God of justice. Learn how to implem

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Charles Vance was supernaturally healed of cancer. When he prayed, over 70 people were healed of cancer! He wants you to know how to be healed and kee

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Dave Hess was given a death sentence from his doctor -- an aggressive form of leukemia. The medical prognosis was that he had one month to live! It d

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