Archive of Past Shows

Brenda Kunneman has a supernatural gift to help you tap into God's miraculous power. Tune in this week as Brenda gives insight on how to release the a

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Steven Brooks received a visitation from Jesus and was taught the secrets of the anointing. Now when Steven teaches on the anointing and ministers, mi

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When disasters strike, people will look for those who are carrying God's secrets. Proven prophet Hank Kunneman wants to teach you the principles on ho

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Through prophetic revelation, Bruce Allen presents a compelling vision of a new season for believers in which prayers are answered effortlessly and pr

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As Robin Harfouche became involved in the psychic realm, she was aided by a spirit guide that opened doors to success in Hollywood. But when a bizarre

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Proven prophet Dennis Cramer has prophesied over thousands of people. Many of these individuals have been physically healed and their lives radically

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Ken and Jeanne Harrington have discovered keys to living a supernatural life. Now it is not uncommon for them to witness healings and miracles as they

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Katie Souza went from working in the entertainment industry to being a career criminal. Her days were filled with drugs, clandestine laboratories, st

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Michael has received supernatural revelation on how anyone, whether a corporation or single individual, can live a life of victory and success. Listen

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One chicken feeds 19 people with leftovers for days! Empty gas tanks are miraculously filled! Money multiplies! Patricia King had a 30 day visitation

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