Archive of Past Shows
So many believers are still waiting for their healing! Why does it seem as if our prayers of "healing for others" go unanswered? Sid Roth shares the s
Listen Now »Jim Hockaday as a director of Rhema Healing School saw few miracles until he received a divine revelation.
Listen Now »When Sandra Kennedy prays, people get healed! Hear her supernatural faith-building stories and get ready to receive your miracle.
Listen Now »Nathan Morris was a young man with serious addictions and an immoral lifestyle until he watched a supernatural video. The Glory of God filled the room
Listen Now »It was NORMAL for the early believers in Messiah to walk in the Supernatural Power of God with signs and wonders commonplace – thousands healed
Listen Now »Is there a literal hell? If so, what is it like? How can we avoid going there? Bill Wiese was chosen by God to visit hell and share his experience wit
Listen Now »Lightning has struck twice in the life of the pastor of the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida where over 4 million people came from all over t
Listen Now »Charles Vance was once struggling to make ends meet. Then he learned Kingdom principles that radically transformed his life. Today he and his wife enj
Listen Now »John Paul Jackson will teach you how to recover the things that have been stolen from you or your family. God is a God of justice. Learn how to implem
Listen Now »Charles Vance was supernaturally healed of cancer. When he prayed, over 70 people were healed of cancer! He wants you to know how to be healed and kee
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