Archive of Past Shows

Corey Russell says, “When I’m hit with things like fear, depression, shame and hopelessness, and I tap into this ancient mystery, 100 out

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Can supernatural sound and music catapult you into Heavenly realms where all things are possible?  Our guest, Janie Duvall, has hit this Glory Zone!

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Take a trip back 2,000 years in time to capture the debate between Jews who believed in Jesus and Jews who did not. I have selected the best Orthodox

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Judith MacNutt has such an anointing the spiritual scales will come off your eyes and many of you will see angels.

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Jim Richards has received a revelation from heaven that few believers–good believers–have ever heard. What he shares will revolutionize yo

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Dr. Jim Richards is going to teach you how to activate every promise in God’s Word. You can and must do it for yourself. Watch how it changes YO

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Guillermo Maldonado not only teaches on the glory, but he shows you how to walk in the glory 24/7. This will activate all of God’s promises in y

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Bill Ligon says, “It was hijacked!” You’re going to find out what the Jewish patriarchs knew about the mystery of the power of impar

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Mark Virkler shares, “Finally everyone one of us can have a dream every week and hear from God! No more meaningless pizza dreams.” Mark gu

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Steven Brooks reveals ancient mysteries on how to access God’s nuclear power and how to work with God’s angelic realm!

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