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Here we are again, at the head of a new secular calendar year. To begin our new year of prayer, I would like to share some important prophecies that have been spoken over Sid and Messianic Vision in the past several months.

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I feel impressed to write to you about Zechariah chapter four. This chapter centers on a vision given to Zechariah during an angel’s visit.

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As I write this article, it is just a few weeks after the US November elections. Something happened in this election that was “tangibly supernatural.”

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“In those days Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee, and was baptized by John in the Jordan.

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I always find treasures, new and old, as I read the Psalms. Recently, I was reading Psalm 19. As I got to the passage between verses 7 and 10, I began seeing reflections of the Lord Yeshua

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What is at the heart of intercession? For that matter, what is the heart of an intercessor? What is the role of the heart in intercession?

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This month (September 2004) on the 24th at sundown begins Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. In Temple times, two male goats were used to make this atonement for the people of Israel.

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From last month’s vision: “I began to see the vast army of God…the larger weapons of the army were just wooden swords…that was all they had had to practice with….The Lord of Hosts…was riding at the head of this army….A sword of the Spirit came out from His mouth….

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In April, as I was in prayer for the intercessors of Messianic Vision, I received a vision from God. I began to see the vast army of God surrounded by darkness.

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Last week I shared about the sense I
had that the Lord is calling some of us away from the intimacy of the prayer closet and into the marketplace.

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