Archive of Past Shows

Time is running short for America. The same pattern for God’s judgment on ancient Israel is being played out in America. Listen to Part 1. ̶

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Time is running short for America. The same pattern for God’s judgment on ancient Israel is being played out in America. ( Part 2 ) “Rabbi

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Something happens when Don Heist sounds the shofar (the ram’s horn). The ancient rabbis tell us that when the shofar is played all the promises

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Rabbi Jonathan Bernis reveals the miracle power contained in the supernatural language of Hebrew. When prayers are spoken in this ancient language it

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In 2005 Chuck Pierce prophesied that an African American man would be in the White House! Barak Obama was elected as the 44th president in 2008. Wait

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Rabbi Jonathan Bernis exposes the most dangerous heresy in Christianity. It could cost you Heaven! Learn how to be on the right side of God in the Las

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Ruth Fazal was actually handed a violin bow from Jesus. Now when she plays her violin, people are physically, emotionally and spiritually healed. &nbs

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Nasir Siddiki was diagnosed with the worst case of shingles ever admitted to Toronto General Hospital. His immune system was shutting down and the doc

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Michael Kaylor had a visitation from God. He now sees angels wherever he ministers. These angels are even bringing brand new human body parts on platt

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Shira Sorko-Ram joins us from Jerusalem, Israel and shares what is about to happen in September of this year if the United States of America makes the

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