Archive of Past Shows

Dr. Jim Richards is going to teach you how to activate every promise in God’s Word. You can and must do it for yourself. Watch how it changes YO

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Joan Hunter had such trauma in her life she should have been a basket case. Her parents were told she would never master reading or writing. Today she

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When LaDonna Taylor plays the violin something amazing happens. The music of heaven literally comes out of her violin and people are instantly set fre

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Katie Souza got offended over something small and quickly gained 6 pounds. Then she prayed the way the Holy Spirit showed her and released the offense

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Muslims are having supernatural visitations from Jesus. Some are transported to heaven, others have dreams and visions! And they are moving in the mir

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There is a conspiracy of silence by the news media concerning the dangerous results concerning the recent election in Egypt. Walid Shoebat received a

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Keith Duncan went to heaven to the throne room and was taught how to be a professional tour guide of what he calls “The Throne Zone.” He w

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When David Herzog shares how to enter God’s Glory Zone miracles, signs and wonders are plentiful–instant weight loss, bald heads grow hair

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Dr. Peter Gammons prophesies to leaders of nations and it changes their destiny! Wherever he goes, miracles happen. Wait until you hear what he has fo

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Shane Warren was caught up into Heaven and heard secrets on how you can walk in God’s manifest presence 24/7.

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