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We’re almost through the first quarter of 2006, and by now we are beginning to get a sense of what this year may be about.

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Recently I’ve been meditating in the second chapter of Hosea. The last half of that chapter has formed the paradigm for my personal life as a believer in Yeshua for over 20 years now.

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Many of us, especially those of us who came up in “Word” churches or “Faith” churches, are very familiar with the idea of using the written Word of God in spiritual warfare.

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Isaiah chapter 46 opens with these verses:

Bel bows down, Nebo stoops; Their idols were on the beasts and on the cattle. Your carriages were heavily loaded, A burden to the weary beast.

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In Chapter 19 of the Book of the Revelation, Yeshua is pictured as riding a white horse, coming back to rule the earth, and being called “Faithful and True.”

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Recently, while once again facing financial discouragement and temptation to fear for the future, I read Luke 12.

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Since 1999 I have been attending a monthly community prayer meeting which draws about 700-800 people from all over the Chicago area.

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Most of us are familiar with the story of blind Bartimaeus. We’ve heard messages from preachers or read books pointing to his healing as an example of someone who cast aside his old identity (his beggar’s cloak) to receive a great life-changing miracle by faith.

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“Leisure”—is that a “bad word” in your spiritual dictionary? Does that word conjure up the guilty suspicion that leisure is a self-centered activity and highly unspiritual? I recently rediscovered the spiritual value of leisure.

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We began last month digging deeper into Zechariah, chapter 4. Zechariah was given a vision during an angelic visitation. He saw a huge menorah with golden oil lamps.

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