Archive of Past Shows

Don Gossett continues to explore the power of the spoken word.

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The power of the spoken word. Two-part series.

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Mark Pool moves in the gift of prophecy and is ready to show you how to do it!

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After eight years of torment, Peggy Joyce was set free from fear. Jack & Peggy reveal how the Lord broke her free from it.

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Walid was a Palestinian terrorist but is now walking with the Lord and loves the Jewish people and Israel!

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Tommy Tenney continues to reveal the secrets of Esther's favor.

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Tommy Tenney reveals the secrets of Esther's favor.

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Jose Santana shares his testimony about the power of the prophetic gift!

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Rafaela was a businesswoman when the Lord called her to the mission field. Now she sees healing miracles!

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Bob Fischer continues to share the Jewish origins of Christianity.

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    Sid Roth's New Book They Thought For Themselves

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