Archive of Past Shows

Can one 60-second prayer change your life? Cristina Baker says yes!

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Having trouble sleeping? Darren Stott teaches you how to reframe your night…

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Joanne Moody used to go to one of those churches that partnered with satan…

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Hear the two words God shouted to Chazdon Strickland! Get ready for your soul to awaken!

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Your family is under attack! It’s time to spiritually safeguard your home…

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Jennifer Guetta didn’t believe demons existed, that is until she let one into her house…

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Darren Canning had a prophetic vision of an army of women rising up…

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Robby Eddy owns a successful A/C company 100% led by Holy Spirit.

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Brian Guerin shares the secret to intimacy with God, and it happens in Jesus’ favorite place…

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Chad Gonzales reveals the truth about your healing that satan doesn’t want you to know.

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    Sid Roth's New Book They Thought For Themselves

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