TV Broadcast Archive

TV Broadcast Archive

Replay of our first live interactive broadcast for It's Supernatural! with Jonathan Cahn.

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David Herzog’s revelation of the "Courts of Heaven" shows divine justice is available for every believer.

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Australia’s Adam Thompson and Adrian Beale have learned the “language of heaven” for interpreting your dreams and visions. Just as J

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Keith Ellis was a backslidden Christian facing a major tragedy. His young son had no brain activity. Then Jesus appeared and his son was healed.

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Gordon Robertson never wanted to follow in his father's footsteps.

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John Bevere says there is only one True North no matter how fast the moral compass spins.

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When Joshua Mills teaches and worships it attracts Heaven and the glory comes down.

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Down in Australia, God has raised up someone with a Kathryn Kuhlman type anointing.

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Randy Clark goes all over the world and sees God heal wherever he goes.

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Jonathan Bernis has had many adventures with God like tracking down the lost tribes of Israel.

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