TV Broadcast Archive

TV Broadcast Archive

Tony Kemp was transported to Heaven where the Lord gave him books.

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Katherine Ruonala says your personal wilderness actually holds pathways to joy, supernatural peace and even miracles.

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After predicting when the last pope would resign, Tom Horn has more to share.

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Rich Vera found himself in the spirit, supernaturally in the White House for 8 hours observing what is going on behind the scenes.

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Clarice Fluitt got a prophecy about a man who became Prime Minister of Israel.

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God showed Rebecca Greenwood what to do when the devil comes knocking.

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Though many prophets are seeing doom and gloom, Hank Kunneman says we are coming into the most amazing times the world has ever known.

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Shane Wall says God always understands your circumstances and He longs to make your ways prosper.

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James Durham went to heaven every day for three years. He was taught how to awaken his spiritual senses.

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Gary Keesee was so hopelessly in debt he was afraid to leave his house. Then God downloaded to him the mysteries of money.

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