Total Freedom from Guilt, Shame and Regret (4-CD/Audio Series) by Stan Lovins; Code: 3818
By Stan Lovins
It’s not hard to understand why Stan Lovins wants you free.
Stan Lovins II grew up in an abusive household with few boundaries and raw extremes.
Not surprisingly, Stan’s 4-CD audio series, Total Freedom from Guilt, Shame and Regret, speaks from his personal experiences, but it also gives authentic testimony of God’s power to heal and bring forgiveness and restoration to broken relationships.
Everyone can learn from Stan’s miraculous redemption even as we thank God it wasn’t us.

Stan invites you to see God’s healing power work in your life as He:
• Sets you free from shame
• Releases His anointing to break your bondage
• Births a hunger to forgive others as part of your healing
• Shows you how to help others in need as you heal
Are you are ready to receive? Stan Lovins says there’s a time and a place to begin. With it comes the freedom to move on in life.
Stan Lovins II ministers the love of Jesus Christ in bringing healing to the hurting. He is founder and president of Stan Lovin II Ministries. He and his wife, Camille, live in the Nashville, TN area.