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You may also download our newsletter in PDF format! (Adobe Reader required)  Many Christians don’t experience God’s blessing because they are “out of sync” with God’s timing By Robert Heidler Throughout the Bible, God placed great emphasis on establishing a “cycle of life” for His people. A cycle is something that goes around and moves you […]

For your New Year’s resolution, choose to read these Scriptures out loud three times a day in 2016. These personalized verses will give you fresh insights and prepare you for anything! Ephesians 3:20 (NKJ) “I am able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that I ask or think, according to the power that works IN […]

You may also download our newsletter in PDF format! (Adobe Reader required)  Take It! Let Your Healing Begin… By Sid Roth People ask me, after over 40 years of studying healing, “What is the one thing you wish you knew 40 years ago?” I wish I had understood how faith operates when you do not get […]

by Sarah Ann Haves After a series of terrorist attacks threatening Israel’s security and stability, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called for government measures aimed at stopping the violence. Fear and anxiety among Jewish residents living in and around Jerusalem has led to a new government crackdown on terrorists and their families. But, despite […]

Commentary by Sarah Ann Haves Several decisions by European countries and the EU have resulted in an attempt to isolate the Jewish State, internationalize the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and impose a solution on Israel. Recent actions by European leaders to recognize a Palestinian State have undermined efforts to re-start peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians. […]

People describe Heidi Baker as a modern-day, spirit-filled, evangelical Mother Teresa. She’s seen miracles like we read about in the Bible. She’s seen the dead raised, eyes take shape, sight restored. She’s told me her secret. It’s lavish love. Get ready to receive your miracle!  

The reality of Hamas in Gaza: hospitals, schools, private homes and UN facilities are used as terrorist
 command centers, storage for missiles and weapons, and as launching sites of rockets headed for Israel.
 The BBC, CNN, France 24, and many international media outlets virtually remain silent
concerning these facts – partly because of Hamas threats against […]

You may also download our newsletter in PDF format! (Adobe Reader required)  Introduction by Sid Roth James Maloney has been ministering in the miraculous for almost 40 years. The following recent account of being translated to the former Soviet Union for three hours is the single most profound experience of his life, apart from getting saved. […]

People describe Heidi Baker as a modern-day, spirit-filled, evangelical Mother Teresa. She’s seen miracles like we read about in the Bible. She’s seen the dead raised, eyes take shape, sight restored. The deaf hear, food multiplies — she's told me her secret. It's lavish love. Get ready to receive your miracle!

We are about to witness the greatest outpouring of God’s Spirit in history. Limbs will be restored. Hospitals will be cleared out. Many dead people will be raised. We will be flooded with miracles. We are also in the last days. They began in 1948 when Israel became a nation. Jesus said in Mark 13:28-30 […]