Archive of Past Shows

One historic Purim Iran actually became one with Israel, a foreshadow of peace better than any U.S. president could imagine!

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Joshua Giles says God’s global reset has already begun. And He’s not waiting on the nations.

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Can we unleash angelic authority through dreams, prayers and prophetic acts? Jamie Galloway does, and you can too!

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Robert Hotchkin says faith without works is dead, dead, dead! No power! Robert also shares THE ANSWER!

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God spoke to Peggy Joyce Ruth in a dream about a covenant psalm she’d never heard of before. But God wasn’t dreaming!

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Jon Hamill says there's a NOW season of divine turnaround linked to your decrees. It will change your nation AND your family!

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T.J. Malcangi’s sudden vision of Jesus at the scourging post was a picture of T.J.’s own whipping post…his thought life.

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Jody Keck ministered alongside Tommy Welchel, the last living link to Azusa Street Revival. Today Jody carries God’s final revelations to Tommy AND

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Ready to switch?—Joseph Z says high gas prices and inflation are no match for God’s supernatural economy!

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Bobby Conner says God does nothing without first revealing it to His servants—and Bobby is hearing we have a glorious future!

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