Archive of Past Shows
Trisha Frost felt stuck. Her marriage and family were unbearable. Then God supernaturally unstuck her life. Now she helps others propel their marriag
Listen Now »When Eddie James worships, he literally hears songs from heaven. He even hears shofar blasts, and as he responds, people are lifted into heavenly real
Listen Now »Shane Warren got caught up into heaven and eavesdropped on conversations between Jesus and Father God. Then Shane began to act out what he heard them
Listen Now »God showed Dutch Sheets how to get rid of hopelessness in every area of our lives. God told Dutch to tell you, “Your season of hopelessness is o
Listen Now »Meet Katherine Ruonala. Some 40 years ago Sid Roth saw Kathryn Kuhlman move in miracles in ways not often seen today. But all the way in Australia, G
Listen Now »John Bevere is a world class teacher who walks in a powerful intimate friendship with the most misunderstood Person of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit. J
Listen Now »James Goll had nine straight weeks of visitations of angels, and he shares what God imparted to him concerning future events. James was also taught b
Listen Now »Larry Randolph is so accurate in his predictions he has direct access to top government officials to warn of what he sees happening. Hear what he says
Listen Now »When young LaDonna Taylor began to play violin, people who listened started getting healed. Today many experience pain leaving their bodies as they he
Listen Now »Do you realize a third of your life is spent sleeping? Laura Harris Smith demystifies understanding your dreams and how to remember them. God speaks
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