Archive of Past Shows

Gary Keesee was so hopelessly in debt he was afraid to leave his house. Then God downloaded to him the mysteries of money. Today Gary’s a millio

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James Durham went to heaven every day for three years. He was taught how to awaken his spiritual senses. And then God imparted to him a gift to help y

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Three doctors told Gary Brausen, You’re going to die—cancer. Gary and his wife Rosey were even planning the funeral, but God called it off! Wi

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How would you like to make right decisions every time? Karen Jensen Salisbury says with God it’s simple. Who would like to learn? (Note: This i

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Bert Farias says there is a diabolical plot to remove major sections from the Bible — a move that we don’t even talk about today, which will c

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A few years ago God showed Bob Hazlett a changing America in a dream. Now, for the first time, this noted prophet has permission to share it publicly.

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God showed Rebecca Greenwood what to do when the devil comes knocking. It’s simple, supernatural and so profound…as easy as telling a waiter,

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Pat Schatzline ministers miracles of healing to young people who’ve been passed-by or forgotten. Now he’s just gotten a word from God about the fu

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Rabbi Kirt Schneider shocks people when he says everyone needs deliverance in some area of their life. Who me? But he says you can put your foot down

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Kevin Basconi sees in the invisible world just like you see in the natural. Kevin says many people’s angels are unemployed even though God gave

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