Archive of Past Shows

At age seven Ben Godwin was struck by a car, dislodging three inches of bone from his left leg. According to medical opinion, Ben would need bone graf

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Mike Shreve has witnessed the supernatural favor of God in the lives of his two miracle children. His son had a very traumatic birth that should have

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After experiencing the death and loss of two sets of parents, all her brothers and sisters, and her first daughter, Jean Krisle Blasi was consumed wit

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Bruce Van Natta was working underneath a massive logging truck when the truck fell off the jack and nearly cut his body in half as it crushed him agai

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Jordan Cook is an 8-year-old artist with an extraordinary gift of expression. She has been painting since the age of two and says that she "paints wit

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"Heaven is Real!" declares Ron Pettey, a man whose amazing encounter with destiny and the supernatural realm occurred during emergency brain surgery i

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Bobby Conner ministers in a high-level, prophetic anointing with documented signs, wonders, and miracles following.

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Rob DeLuca is a highly successful entrepreneur and the leader of a large ministry impacting the nation of New Zealand through signs, wonders, and mira

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What do Jewish people think about Jesus? What is the difference between Judaism and Christianity? On this week's program, Dr. Michael Brown provides a

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Ryan Wyatt has a unique and inspiring prophetic teaching gift and a calling to train believers how to live in intimacy and union with the Lord, live i

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