Most Are Not Ready for the Glory

Note: The Greater Glory live show has now ended. Watch for the replay to be posted in the next few days.

I’ve recently heard three very old prophecies about the Glory. What is the Glory? It’s the presence of God. It’s like having the atmosphere of Heaven here with us!

In the video above, I share these prophecies with you. I believe that when I read them, you’re going to get the whole revelation of the Glory that’s about to be poured out.

One of my intercessors sent me a Scripture—“Because the Lord has built up Zion, He shall appear in His Glory” (Psalm 102:16).

Since the United States embassy relocated to Jerusalem, there has been a reaction in the spirit world and I believe it has to do with this Scripture! Because the Lord has built up Zion through the U.S. embassy’s move, He shall appear in His Glory.

Everything speeds up in the Glory!

Something special is happening Friday, May 25th at 5 pm ET on our It’s Supernatural! Network (ISN)The Greater Glory LIVE with David Herzog, Kevin Zadai, Keith Ellis and Roy Fields.

Download the FREE ISN app and watch The Greater Glory LIVE 5/25 at 5 pm ET!

David has walked in the Glory for many years but what’s coming is going to make that look like nothing!

Kevin carries the atmosphere of Heaven and just had a visitation with an angel who showed him how to break through to this coming Glory!

Keith operates in amazing miracles and the last time he was on our live show we received more reports of healing testimonies than ever before! But I know the Glory has increased on Keith that my expectation is sky high!

During the broadcast, Roy will lead us into the atmosphere of Heaven where miracles are easily obtained!

I believe this tangible Glory is going to be released on this live show. If you or a loved one need a miracle or just a fresh touch from God that will remove all roadblocks, be sure to watch the full program on the FREE ISN app. Bring your expectation!

You can also watch all our live show archives.