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One of the key focuses of the new Israeli government, formed after the January 22nd national election, will be Jerusalem’s relationship with Cairo.

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Today, 1,000,000 Israelis live in the line of constant fire of rockets from Gaza, which average three launches a day.

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One of the key focuses of the new Israeli government, formed after the January 22nd national election, will be Jerusalem’s relationship with Cairo.

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There is one phrase that every media network in the world knows and uses — “occupied territory.”

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Current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to form the next government, leading the nation as Israel’s prime minister into 2017, if his new government lasts that long.

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On November 14th, Israel launched Operation Pillar of Cloud by exterminating Hamas strategic mastermind Ahmad Jabbari.

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Israel’s current military operation in Gaza is aimed at bringing peace and quiet to more than a million people living under the constant threat of terror in the south of the country.

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Despite a mental choice to forgive when I met the Lord, this now came from a heart of forgiveness for those who had been my enemies. I tasted of the release Yeshua died to give to us at a level I had not known before. I learned an important lesson: No amount of abuse is beyond the forgiveness of the Lord.

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