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Watch my prayer for you from the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Israel.

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It took the EU five days to issue a statement condemning the recent kidnapping of three Israeli teenagers in the West Bank.

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Here are the Biblical ramifications of Presbyterian Church (USA)’s recent decision to protest Israel for not giving up the land God gave to them.

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A closely guarded secret prediction from Vilna Gaon, a great 18th Century Rabbi known as the genius of Vilnius, stated…

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Today we honor those who fought and gave their lives on D-Day, when Allied forces invaded Normandy in German-occupied western Europe. This reminds me about another D-Day that occurred over 2,000 years ago.

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When Abbas moved to merge Fatah with Hamas, Netanyahu immediately ended the already disintegrating peace negotiations.

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Death could not hold Jesus. Here’s how Jesus’ resurrection impacts you today.

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This is God’s word for you: “Don’t miss My appointment with you today.”

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Officials in the IDF (Israel’s Defense Forces) have repeatedly used the media to warn Israel’s Treasury and Ministry of Finance that defense cuts are compromising Israel’s military capabilities.

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I recently spoke in Omaha, Nebraska at Hank Kunneman’s church, Lord of Hosts. Many at the service were healed when I explained this important truth from Mark 11:24 from the Greek translation.

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