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There has never been in Islamic history a democratic Arab Muslim state.

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Rifts between Obama and Netanyahu are unfortunate in a volatile Middle East where U.S.-Israel cooperation needs to be strong.

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The dividing line between true and counterfeit Christians will be their position on the Jew and Israel in the last days.

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Israeli leaders are embroiled in yet another U.S. attempt to broker a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians.

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The prospects of a Middle East regional war are on the rise due to the continued conflict in Syria, which has become a geo-political nightmare for neighboring countries.

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To bless the Jew and Israel and intentionally withhold the Gospel is NOT Christian.

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In reality, the White House continues to sit passively while the bloody war in Syria rages on.

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Sid Roth, host of It’s Supernatural!, has followed the miraculous move of the Spirit for four decades and believes the world is on the verge of a massive revival in which miracles will become commonplace.

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Looking at the condition of Syria today, with over 70,000 people dead and millions displaced from their homes, along with the horrors and atrocities associated with war, one wonders how worse it can get.

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With the hopeful Passover greeting of “Next Year in Jerusalem”, many Jews have been contemplating how the recent visit to Israel by U.S. President Barack Obama will affect the U.S.-Israel relationship in years to come.

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