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As we get ready to move into 2015, I wanted to share the four prayers that are on my heart for the new year so you can join me in lifting them up

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Knowing who is heading up a particular political party, gives Israelis hope that the person they want to be Prime Minister will lead the country, but it is not a guarantee.

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Thanks to your prayers and financial partnership in 2014, this has been a historic year for our ministry. See some of what we accomplished this year with your help.

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Last summer during the war with Gaza, a story was broadcast on Israeli TV and appeared in numerous newspapers and blogs with the headline, “Their God changes the path of our rockets in mid-air, said a terrorist.”

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After a series of terrorist attacks threatening Israel’s security and stability, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has called for government measures aimed at stopping the violence.

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The UNHCR has helped 60 million people, but UNRWA helps 5 million Palestinians with an annual budget of over $1 billion.

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Several decisions by European countries and the EU have resulted in an attempt to isolate the Jewish State, internationalize the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and impose a solution on Israel.

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We share in the victory won by Jesus’ resurrection in all areas of our lives.

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