TV Broadcast Archive

TV Broadcast Archive

After having three supernatural encounters with a massive angel, Keith Miller has been on an intense journey to learn about the Seven Spirits of God,

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Michele Perry leads an outreach in southern Sudan that is connected with Rolland and Heidi Baker’s ministry.  

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Kathi Oates has a powerful inner healing and prophetic ministry. Her anointing to heal the brokenhearted has literally touched thousands experiencing

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Gary Oates' life was dramatically changed when he was caught up into the realm of the spirit and began seeing the ministry of angels.

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Bruce Van Natta was working underneath a massive logging truck when the truck fell off the jack and nearly cut his body in half as it crushed him agai

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This week Sid hosts a healing explosion with guests Jonathan Bernis and David Herzog. Tune in to see what miracles and healings take place when the at

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David Herzog has found that there are portals in the earth today where we can tap into the heavenly realm.

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Jesus appeared at the foot of Jean Krisle Blasi's bed and reached down inside of her, removing every hurt and rejection she ever had.

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Is it the end of church as we know it? Marc Lawson believes that churches must turn back to the Book of Acts and rebuild God's Kingdom on the foundati

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Author Mike Shreve shares how to lay hold of God's promises for your children. You can change your child's destiny!

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