TV Broadcast Archive

TV Broadcast Archive

Proof that supernatural healing and miracles are real and for today!! This week Sid interviews Melanie Hemry who has experienced the healing power of

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Brian Lake shares how intimacy with God can lead to breakthroughs and supernatural favor over your life.

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Paul Keith Davis' spiritual eyes were opened to see a new host of angels sent by God. These are the angels that gather, and they have been sent to co-

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David Tomberlin has the supernatural ability to get specific knowledge from God about other people and their circumstances. This unusual gifting is ca

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Franklin Walden is known as one of "God's Generals." He grew up in the supernatural anointing, and as a child he witnessed his own mother and brother

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Steven Brooks shares about the release of spiritual mantles. These mantles represent the presence and power of God on your life to fulfill your destin

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Maurice Sklar is a world-class concert violinist who has traveled the world ministering through music. As Maurice plays, the presence of God comes and

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At age seven Ben Godwin was struck by a car, dislodging three inches of bone from his left leg. According to medical opinion, Ben would need bone graf

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After having three supernatural encounters with a massive angel, Keith Miller has been on an intense journey to learn about the Seven Spirits of God,

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Michele Perry leads an outreach in southern Sudan that is connected with Rolland and Heidi Baker’s ministry.  

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