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David Herzog has spent much of his life discovering the secrets to living in the Glory, where nothing is impossible. Hear how you can also live in the

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Learn the keys to having a healthy, happy marriage! Craig Hill, founder of Family Foundations International, teaches on marriage from the Biblical per

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Get an inside look into the realm of the angelic. You'll be amazed as Ron Phillips discusses how angels operate behind the scenes, and how you can eng

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Alyosha is a world-class concert pianist whom God has miraculously anointed to minister complete healing through his music. As he worships, people fee

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Are UFOs real? What does the Bible have to say about them? Are they the Nephilim of ages past? Bible scholar Dr. Chuck Missler explains what these sig

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After experiencing the healing power of God in one of Sid Roth's healing services, Linda Josef has coauthored Sid's brand new book "Supernatural Heali

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Bruce Van Natta was working underneath a massive logging truck when the truck fell off the jack and nearly cut his body in half as it crushed him agai

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Jennifer Toledo has witnessed the supernatural favor of God in some of the most inhospitable places. As a young adult, Jennifer was directed by God to

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When Julie sings her spontaneous songs, the atmosphere of heaven fills the room. People sense a new intimacy with God. Waves of God's Spirit comfort t

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