TV Broadcast Archive

TV Broadcast Archive

Mel Bond sees into the supernatural realm, even discerning demons on people. When he prays, demons leave and people are healed. Mel wants to help you

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Medical records show that Dean Braxton experienced cardiac arrest for one hour and forty-five minutes. He died and found himself transported into the

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In 26 years of ministry Tony Kemp saw fewer than 10 people healed, until he received the keys to the miraculous right from Jesus in heaven! Now he see

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Mel Bond has seen creative miracles including eyeballs materializing in front of many witnesses. In 1984, Mel had a vision of Jesus explaining how to

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Tony Kemp has an amazing miracle ministry, seeing people healed from all types of sickness and disease, including cancer, diabetes, missing body parts

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Healing is Easy! After being supernaturally rescued from a life of drug addiction, Todd White began passionately pursuing God. Todd soon discovered th

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Hank & Brenda Kunneman have received divine revelation on prayer! This week they share the keys on how to press in and penetrate the throne room of Go

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Steven Brooks received a visitation from Jesus and was taught the secrets of the anointing. Now when Steven teaches on the anointing and ministers, mi

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When disasters strike, people will look for those who are carrying God's secrets. Proven prophet Hank Kunneman wants to teach you the principles on ho

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Brenda Kunneman has a supernatural gift to help you tap into God's miraculous power. Tune in this week as Brenda gives insight on how to release the a

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