TV Broadcast Archive

TV Broadcast Archive

Dennis Walker says the new model of healing is to hear from heaven before you pray and watch the miracles increase!

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Time is running short for America. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn reveals that the same pattern for God's judgment on ancient Israel is being played out in Ameri

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Time is running short for America. Rabbi Jonathan Cahn reveals that the same pattern for God’s judgment on ancient Israel is being played out in

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Kerry Kirkwood learned the ancient mystery of the Jewish power of the blessing. Now whatever he blesses prospers. He even prayed for someone who had a

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In 2005 Chuck Pierce prophesied that an African American man would be in the White House! Barak Obama was elected as the 44th president in 2008. Wait

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Nasir Siddiki was diagnosed with the worst case of shingles ever admitted to Toronto General Hospital. His immune system was shutting down and the doc

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 Ryan Wyatt moves in extraordinary miracles! He prayed for a woman without eardrums and she could hear! Another woman lost 65 pounds instantly! Find

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Larry Hutton had a visitation from Jesus and was taught how to live stress free. He has walked in supernatural peace every day...since 1977.

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We are in the season of the great wealth transfer that is coming to believers in Jesus the Messiah. It's time to stop being in debt and simply survivi

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After 20 years of ministry, Mark Virkler finally experienced complete emotional and spiritual transformation. Mark discovered seven supernatural praye

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