TV Broadcast Archive

TV Broadcast Archive

Sid Roth has been given revelation of the future of America and how you can be part of the greatest revival in history! Be the first to hear this time

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John McTernan has received revelation knowledge, from the Word of God, concerning which nations will be destroyed in the Middle East next and which na

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Craig Hill has found ancient Biblical mysteries concerning finances that bring God’s supernatural increase. Prepare and prosper even in the face

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It was medically verified that Gary Wood died. He went to heaven and saw the "body parts room" full of replacements waiting for people who need them.

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Randy DeMain says that this is a NOW moment for you to experience the assistance and help of Angels. He shares how you can meet a special Angel whose

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Graeme Walsh shares that few recognize their enemy when several generations have sickness, divorce and even poverty running down their family line. He

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Katie Souza got offended over something small and quickly gained 6 pounds. Then she prayed the way the Holy Spirit showed her and released the offense

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Joan Hunter had such trauma in her life she should have been a basket case. Her parents were told she would never master reading or writing. Today she

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Muslims are having supernatural visitations from Jesus. Some are transported to heaven, others have dreams and visions! And they are moving in the mir

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Keith Duncan went to heaven to the throne room and was taught how to be a professional tour guide of what he calls "The Throne Zone." He wants to take

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