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TV Broadcast Archive

Gary Whetstone has conquered an ancient invader called Fear. It’s been 10 years since he last felt it! Today his mandate is to teach you to stan

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Steve Hill and his wife were planning his funeral. But God raised him off the death bed and gave him an open vision. In it God warned what is about to

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David Brennan is a prophecy expert with fresh revelation from the Word of God. He has studied and made predictions based on the Bible and they’v

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As a young boy, Eddie James was called to be a worship leader, a modern-day Levite. Now he spends eight hours a day in worship. People who experience

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Sid Roth shares that the most significant supernatural tool has been hijacked from the Church! Learn how this gift of the Spirit can change your life.

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Julie True is a psalmist with a special gift. Through song and music she transmits supernatural peace. As you listen, anxiety and fear vanish, replace

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Bill Salus has uncovered an ancient prophecy written over 3000 years ago! Find out about the soon coming Arab nation conspiracy to wage war and their

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Alton Williams and Tony Kemp started watching "It's Supernatural!" and got hooked. Today they are doing the same things they saw others do who were on

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For three months Kynan Bridges had a visitation from the Lord. Now when he teaches, that fresh download of heaven's wisdom pours out!

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Marilyn Hickey is the first woman in 1400 years to go into a mosque, proclaim Jesus and see miracles take place. She says anything she can do you can

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