TV Broadcast Archive

TV Broadcast Archive

You may not see your enemy but Hakeem and Naim Collins say the power of your mouth will deliver you from every curse and limitation on your life.

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Five weeks in a coma landed Steven Musick in Heaven for an extended stay. He learned that God’s Kingdom is right in front of you, if you will...

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God literally thundered when He spoke to Karen Schatzline. He said, "I desire supernatural encounters with My people and here's how.” Anybody listen

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Adrian Beale and Adam Thompson want you to discover God's constant conversation — the signs, symbols, names and numbers of prophetic symbolism surfa

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Kynan Bridges was on an airplane minding his own business when suddenly he was taken up to heaven. Jesus said to him, "Tell my people there is more."

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Shawn Bolz says God will trust someone's personal secrets with TOTAL strangers like YOU—just to show them He is real and He loves them. It will blow

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Joan Gieson spent 8 years with healing evangelist Kathryn Kuhlman, then traveled 18 countries ministering with Benny Hinn. Joan says it’s time to im

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During routine surgery Kevin Zadai realized he was on the other side of the veil watching the doctor trying to revive his lifeless body.

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There is an unseen world working silently to control you and the atmosphere around you. But Dawna De Silva says you can live in the atmosphere of heav

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Fireman Mark Taylor and co-author Mary Colbert team up to tell you about what’s called the Trump Prophecies — the once hard-to-believe details of

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