This Week’s Television Guest: Kevin Zadai

August 4, 2020

Kevin Zadai recently had a 5-1/2 hour face to face encounter with Jesus!

What did they talk about? The next 11 years! And then Jesus explained the books of Ephesians and Corinthians verse-by-verse, focusing on the body of believers and the importance of spiritual gifts. Including yours.


Jesus then shared wisdom specifically for the season ahead. And finally, Jesus revealed that a deception has come upon the earth, and it will end in an exposure of false ministers and ministries. So be aware!


Kevin’s exclusive 4-part audio series, My Time with Jesus Concerning Your Future, comes with his new book, You Can Hear God’s Voice. Kevin teaches you to:


• Recognize God’s voice apart from other voices

• Get clarity in knowing God’s will

• Know your rights and privileges as a believer

• Walk in discernment through the Holy Spirit

What Kevin describes is an exciting season. It’s important and ahead of you now!

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