TV Broadcast Archive

TV Broadcast Archive

God has imparted to Kynan Bridges how to partner with the Holy Spirit in “prophetic prayer” and shown him keys to breakthrough.

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Something stirred Mike Shreve to search the Bible to uncover TEN of the most powerful prayers in all of Scripture. What he found is even more anointed

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Dr. Francis Myles has been shown by God how to supernaturally change your DNA. He calls it “genetic salvation.” It goes beyond four genera

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Get your pillow and find a comfortable place as Sid Roth and Julie True lead you in experiencing the Presence of God through the lost art of soaking p

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Could invisible forces be blocking answers to our prayers? Barbara Yoder teaches on “The Breaker Anointing.” She’s learned to call o

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Rabbi Jonathan Bernis reveals the miracle power contained in the supernatural language of Hebrew. When prayers are spoken in this ancient language it

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After 20 years of ministry, Mark Virkler finally experienced complete emotional and spiritual transformation. Mark discovered seven supernatural praye

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Have you ever asked, "Why have I NOT been healed?" "Why am I NOT receiving blessings?" Peter Horrobin has been given the master key to release superna

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Medical records show that Dean Braxton experienced cardiac arrest for one hour and forty-five minutes. He died and found himself transported into the

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Mel Bond has seen creative miracles including eyeballs materializing in front of many witnesses. In 1984, Mel had a vision of Jesus explaining how to

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