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This week we end our look at contemplative prayer. We have talked about some practical things along the way—kind of the “how-to’s.” But now I want to give you a little more encouragement to pursue this kind of prayer yourself.

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There is no faith for healing until deception is out of the way, as faith works for both positive and the negative. Negative faith works against you, while positive faith works for you. You will get exactly what you have faith to believe. “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).

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Last week we saw Mary of Bethany, our model for the heart of contemplative prayer, committing an extravagant act of repentance and worship, just a few days before Yeshua would undergo His sufferings for the sins of the world.

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God’s Word acts as a solvent-solution, by dissolving the mountain when the Word is spoken over it. Yet, by confession you speak God’s Word only, and never consider the lying symptom.

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Let’s return this week to our study of contemplative prayer. We had been looking at the reviving of Lazarus in chapter 11 of John.

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Intimacy with God brings peace to the soul and healing to our body.

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I am going to take a break this week from our series on contemplative prayer to make some comments and observations on something that is overflowing in our media here in the US—the reactions to the Movie.

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The Lord has given us a great gift in the testimony of Dale and Pearl Raatz. Their story is one of victory over a medically hopeless situation through skillfully applying the Word of God.

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