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I met a delightful man recently, a doctor, who was raised in a church denomination not known for its power or sense of the presence of the Lord, at least not since the 1500’s.

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Occasionally in the secular world there is a book that becomes a phenomenon and takes the nation by unexpected storm.

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Did you know that traditional Judaism, based on the Torah, teaches that the Temple sacrifices made atonement for the Gentile world?

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I remember hearing that God can do great things with a person who doesn’t care who gets the credit.

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U.S. envoy, George Mitchell met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday, April 16, 2009 for talks on the Middle East.

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A few days before 9/11, the United Nations mounted its greatest-ever attack on Israel’s existence. The week-long battle raged in far-off Durban, South Africa. Not a war of physical weapons, but one that was going for the kill – and its target, center stage, was the Jewish state.

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You are obviously referring to is Ezekiel 18 and 33, where we learn that a wicked man who repents is accepted by God with no mention of sacrifices along with Daniel 6:10, where it tells us that Daniel, living in exile, prayed toward the Temple (i.e., facing Jerusalem) three times a day.

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It was God’s prime directive to Israel to “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might” (Deut 6:5). Yeshua echoed the same directive to His disciples (Matt 22:37; Mark 12:30; Luke 10:27). Get that one commandment right and all the rest will follow.

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On July 31, 2008 while in Red Deer, Alberta Canada for a conference, the Lord took me into a very interesting and enlightening revelatory experience.

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We all know that there were different functions for the sacrifices, including ritual purification, thanksgiving, personal consecration, and making of vows, along with atonement for unintentional sins.

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