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Hahg Sam’ay-ach! Happy holiday. It’s that time of year when Israel was required to travel up to Jerusalem for the Feast of Shavuot, one of the three feasts in which God required Israel to gather to Him.

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There is no question that Christian versions translating the Hebrew mashiach here with ‘the Messiah’ are reading something into the text. However, what they are reading into the text is correct, since the prophecy is clearly about the work of Messiah.

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Prophetic words the Lord gave Dennis Cramer for all believers for 2010.

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Switzerland, a country that prides itself at being “neutral”, has not always been so neutral when it comes to foreign policy concerning Israel. But, that may be changing now.

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Actually, the passage you refer to is the only occurrence of the Hebrew expression ‘see seed’ in the Tanakh, so it is not wise to be so dogmatic about the meaning of the expression, especially since ‘seed’ is sometimes used metaphorically in the Scriptures, and since it can sometimes refer simply to a future generation.

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I’ve had occasion to be in dialog with two sets of people recently, Jews and Muslims, neither of whom believe God has a son. The uniqueness of faith in Yeshua is the belief, not only that He rose from the dead — unique enough!! But that He is God’s son.

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It happened years ago, before my now-teenage son was born. By some fluke, my husband and I had nowhere special to go on Christmas Day. We had partied at the relatives’ house the night before, and the out-of-town relatives’ party was coming on the weekend.

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Have you ever believed something to be true only to find out that it wasn’t what you thought it was? Or even that the Bible warns against it?

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As we approach the celebration of PASSOVER we must remember that Passover is a celebration designed by God!

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Clashes with police on the streets of Jerusalem by Palestinians and Israeli Arabs could spark a third intifada in Israel. The latest fighting began after Israel announced the finished renovations of the historic Hurva synagogue in the Old City’s Jewish Quarter.

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