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There are two different ways to understand the division of the seventy weeks, but both of them are legitimate and in keeping with the rules of Hebrew grammar.
Read Now »When God gave me a prophetic word I didn’t think it would have immediate application for my family, or for my city. I was reading in 1 Kings when Elijah, following a great spiritual victory for God, was reduced to fear when Jezebel, who had been murdering the prophets, threatened his life.
Read Now »Since Daniel 9:24-27 speaks of events that must be fulfilled before the destruction of the Second Temple…
Read Now »Tonight I heard very disturbing information – we heard it from a consultant to the United States who meets once a month with the President in the White house. He is in the know. This is what actually has happened with the relationship with Israel and the USA…
Read Now »While Palestinian and Israeli leaders engage in proximity talks, the Palestinians are already planning a renewal of the armed struggle against Israel, if the talks fail within the next few months.
Read Now »Hahg Sam’ay-ach! Happy holiday. It’s that time of year when Israel was required to travel up to Jerusalem for the Feast of Shavuot, one of the three feasts in which God required Israel to gather to Him.
Read Now »There is no question that Christian versions translating the Hebrew mashiach here with ‘the Messiah’ are reading something into the text. However, what they are reading into the text is correct, since the prophecy is clearly about the work of Messiah.
Read Now »Switzerland, a country that prides itself at being “neutral”, has not always been so neutral when it comes to foreign policy concerning Israel. But, that may be changing now.
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