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This weekend, Israeli Arabs and Palestinians took to the streets to protest the existence of the state of Israel. Clashes with IDF forces resulted in deaths and injuries, as Israeli troops tried to quell the riots.
Read Now »In tough times, people are looking for something stable, something secure, something real, even something lasting.
Read Now »From physical danger, emotional trauma, personal crisis to global events of war, natural disasters and plagues…God’s 911 has got you covered.
Read Now »We know that the earth is shaking and yes, these are signs. Behold the Lamb of God! What a wondrous sign to see when the world seems to be spinning out of control. No matter what we see shaking, HE, the Light of the World, is who we are to focus on!
Read Now »God has made a way for us to fulfill the goal of holiness which is to be one with God and to please Him.
Read Now »When the text is translated back into proper Hebrew, the word was not a bird, but a man, specifically the priest who was in charge of locking the Temple doors at night and unlocking the doors each morning.
Read Now »The goal of Israel’s new defense doctrine is to prepare the IDF (Israel’s Defense Forces) for war on several fronts over the next several years.
Read Now »Suppose you were in church on an important holiday when even the non-regulars are there and in the middle of the pastor’s sermon some man stands up and begins to shout….
Read Now »The devil has gone in devising a world-wide religion in which even thinking God has a Son is considered so much of a sin that Muslims are afraid to even consider it.
Read Now »Our love for God is not determined by feelings but by obedience and commitment, based simply on faith in who we know Him to be!
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