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Do we still have need of the blood of Yeshua on our behalf?

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God reveals who He is through His relationship with Israel…

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…the scope of how the Hebrew Bible defines sin enables us to realize the “depth” to which sin has permeated our lives…

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It was a relief for many Israelis to see the first glimpses of POW Corporal Gilad Shalit as he embraced his new found freedom on Israeli soil…

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“Do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself…”

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If you saw Sid’s interview with Nathan Morris you know there’s a Revival going on in Mobile, Alabama. That’s not the only place God is saving souls and helping people.

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Can you imagine going to a major league event, like the World Series, and having the fans display flags with Nazi swastikas…

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All of the main institutions of the United Nations have as their bull’s eye, Israel…

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It’s time to share some emails with you again…

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Most of us are aware of the verse that says, “True worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers” (John 4:23)…

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