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Iran’s continued partnership with Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime, and Iran’s determination to reach nuclear capability, has thrown the Middle East into mounting regional turmoil.

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Why hasn’t God answered this very specific prayer when He told us to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem”?

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You’ve heard the expression, “Lost in the translation?” Well, a lot of what Yeshua had to say has been lost in the translation.

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It is the 19th day of the war. Today, I drove to Tel Hashomer Chaim Sheba hospital to visit Israel’s wounded soldiers.

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The serpent told Eve she’d be more God-like if she did something to make it happen.

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God has designed us for righteousness, peace and joy and Torah was designed to optimize those qualities in the communities in which we live…

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Does Jews asking for signs and wonders make seeking signs and wonders contrary to the Gospel message?

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When Yeshua spoke of binding and loosing, He wasn’t talking about spiritual warfare…

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A gentleman wrote saying he had been praying for a wife for many years…

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The possibility of a nuclear Iran is at the top of the list of concerns for Israel’s Military Intelligence (MI) in 2012.

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