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Many are ignoring these key differences between Israel and Hamas.

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The international community, upset by the high casualty rate in Gaza, desperately wants Israel and Hamas to accept a long-term cease-fire.

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An unprecedented door for evangelism in Israel has been opened and we are stepping through.

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The Bible warns about false prophets, miracles and deceptive spirits in the last days. Here’s how you can tell the difference between the true and the counterfeit.

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These eyewitness facts and figures from the Israel-Hamas conflict may surprise you.

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The recent terror attacks in Israel matter very much to me. Here’s why.

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When Yasser Arafat died in 2004, the West believed there was an opportunity for peace. Pressured to evacuate Gaza, Israel bowed to demands, with democratic elections following. Then something unforeseen happened. Hamas won the election.

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Watch my prayer for you from the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Israel.

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