Since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas conflict I have been wrestling with these questions.
Why is it ignored when Israel trades hundreds of terrorist prisoners for one captured Israeli soldier?
Even in the face of being threatened daily by rocket fire and an enemy that wants nothing more than to eradicate the Jewish people, Israel prioritizes the safety of its own over the risk of further attacks by releasing terrorist prisoners in exchange for captured Israeli soldiers.
Why is it ignored that Hamas targets Israeli civilians with missiles and Israel targets weapons and militants?
Hamas attempts to fire their rockets into Israeli settlements/cities in order to inflict civilian casualties. Israel targets the weapons and infrastructure that give Hamas the ability to launch such attacks.
The difference is clear: Hamas is trying to cripple the Israelis; Israel is trying to protect its people.
Why is it ignored that Hamas uses civilian shields, schools and hospitals to fight behind and Israel warns before each attack so civilians can leave?
Israel takes pains to spare the Palestinian people from harm. They drop leaflets and make phone calls to warn Palestinian citizens in harm’s way before striking Hamas’ militant infrastructure.
But Hamas has been shown to use civilians as shields. They encourage innocent Palestinians to remain in the area in order to use their injuries or deaths as catalysts for humanitarian blame against Israel. They also shoot rockets from and store weapons in schools, shelters and hospitals in order to provoke an attack from Israel that will hurt civilians.
But most importantly…
Why does the United States government (and many in the rest of the world) not see the difference?
It does not seem like most major news sources on television or otherwise are correctly reporting the facts.
But the facts, in this case, make all the difference.
This is the clear answer to these questions: There is a devil that hates Jews and Christians. The devil loves that the government and media isn’t reporting the facts correctly. He is using this as a tool to make Israel look like the enemy.
God have mercy on those in America and others who are leaving out the facts. We need to pray for America to return to its Judeo-Christian heritage. We need to pray that the true facts about the Israel-Hamas conflict reach the mainstream so the world can see the difference between the country trying to defend itself and the radical Islamic extremists who want to eradicate it.
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