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Quit trying to get everyone to think and feel like you. Instead, love people.
Read Now »What do you do when you are healed of an incurable, painful, debilitating disease and then years later, now married with five children, it comes back with a vengeance?
Read Now »What kind of person does it take to single-handedly resurrect a language which had been dead since the second century A.D.?
Read Now »I wrote to you the other day on Pentecost eve to tell you about the Greater Glory that is coming. This Greater Glory will be a thousand times more powerful than the original Pentecost. But how do we enter this Glory?
Read Now »Theodore Herzl, today considered the Father of the Modern State of Israel, had just hosted the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland, with 202 delegates in 1897. The Zionist movement was birthed and began to breathe.
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