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Israel is in the midst of celebrating the High Holy Days. It is also a time for acts of kindness. Nowhere was that more evident, recently, than in Eilat where 500 Israeli soldiers wounded in Israel’s wars, terrorist attacks and army accidents, gathered at a local hotel to vacation together.
Read Now »Mahmoud Abbas did not instigate the Temple Mount violence, but Abbas also did not stop the escalations in tensions afterwards.
Read Now »Headlines over the last few weeks have been uplifting for some Middle East observers, but for Israel it means future troubles ahead.
Read Now »For the first time ever the 21-member World Heritage committee inscribed a significant religious site – the Cave of the Patriarchs – to the State of Palestine.
Read Now »On October 15, 1967, 50 years ago, I arrived in Israel for a two-week visit with my parents. Only four months before, the little nation of Israel had escaped annihilation and achieved a victory that was beyond the imagination.
Read Now »Nikki Haley, American ambassador to the United Nations, met with Israeli government leaders this week and demonstrated a marked shift in tone towards Israel.
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