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A Blood Moon and the Feast of Tabernacles (Harvest feast) are both occuring during the trip I am on right now to Israel. I believe these indicate it is a special time for evangelism to the Jewish people.

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When you catch God’s heart you catch His favor!

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Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stood beside the U.N.’s Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and declared, “Hamas is like ISIS, Hamas is like al-Qaeda, Hamas is like Hezbollah, Hamas is like Boko Haram.”

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You will be blessed as you hear this incredible true story of divine healing and deliverance.

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Jewish people throughout the world mark the civil New Year, Wednesday, September 24, celebrating Rosh Hashanah with apples and honey and hoping for sweet new beginnings.

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Night and day, western media flooded the world with wounded Palestinian women and Palestinian crying children.

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Jonathan Cahn gives you a glimpse into the 3,000 year old mystery of the Shemitah.

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See how you can continue listening to It’s Supernatural! Audio after September 1, 2014.

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As the world knows, ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) is on the move – beheading, shooting, crucifying, and raping human beings who are considered by them infidels.

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As of this writing, Israel and Hamas are in a cease-fire, Israeli troops have withdrawn and are sitting on the Gaza border.

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