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The anti-settlement resolution that was passed in the UN Security Council during Israel’s Shabbat eve, on December 23, 2016, was a game changer in international diplomacy.

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Pastor Hank Kunneman’s prophetic word from December 4, 2016 about God’s plan to Heal America and Uniting the United States.

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While the world is focusing its attention on the upcoming U.S. elections, the Cold War between America and Russia escalates.

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There are titanic shifts taking place in Washington D.C. Under the watch of President Barack Obama, a flock of Muslim aides and advisors have been welcomed into the White House.

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As dignitaries arrive from all over the world, to pay their respects to one of Israel’s greatest leaders, Shimon Peres, it’s an opportunity to reflect on who the man was in his life.

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Recent reports indicate that the United States wants to conclude a military foreign aid deal with Israel before the end of President Barak Obama’s term in office.

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Over the past several years, there has not only been a focus on immigration to Israel, but also on educating Europe’s Jewish communities about their Jewish identity.

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Why are so many major universities, church pension funds and big corporations disinvesting rather than investing in Israel?

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Many Jewish leaders believe that Israel should negotiate the pending U.S. defense aid package, now, rather than wait and see what the next White House administration will do in January 2017 and beyond.

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