How to Watch

It’s Supernatural! Network (ISN)
ISN is our 24/7 online TV network that streams more than 700 new and archived episodes of It’s Supernatural! in addition to other anointed programming. You can watch ISN through any web browser here. You can also stream our ISN channel on Roku or download our ISN app.

You can watch full episodes of It’s Supernatural! as well as interact with other viewers through our YouTube channel. Go here to view our official YouTube channel, subscribe, and leave a comment about how the broadcasts have touched your life.

How To Download

You can download our TV show by subscribing to our video podcast. Find out more here.

It’s Supernatural! is available to watch online in MP4 (which plays on the iPad and iPhone). You can also go here to find out how to subscribe to our video podcast.

*If you’d like to subscribe to the It’s Supernatural! audio podcast please go here.

MP4 Version
If you are visiting our site with an iPhone or iPad, just press the play button and the show will play automatically in the MP4 format.

Windows Media Player and Real Player
At this time, we are no longer able to support Windows Media Player or Real Player as an option for viewing the show.

If you have a suggestion on how we can improve these instructions , please visit our Contact Us page.