TV Broadcast Archive
TV Broadcast Archive
When John Turnipseed first learned about bloodline curses, he began to break them off himself and his family, not knowing where it would lead.
Watch Now »Yes, he has a famous father, but Richard Roberts is seeing a whole new level of healing miracles himself — cancer, incurable diseases — a whole ne
Watch Now »Laura Harris Smith says past experiences lead many people to lower their expectations when they pray.
Watch Now »Robert Heidler wants you to discover the forgotten blessings of God's "appointed times." He says God still honors His appointed celebrations of pro
Watch Now »Katherine Ruonala says your personal wilderness actually holds pathways to joy, supernatural peace and even miracles.
Watch Now »After predicting when the last pope would resign, Tom Horn has more to share.
Watch Now »Rich Vera found himself in the spirit, supernaturally in the White House for 8 hours observing what is going on behind the scenes.
Watch Now »Clarice Fluitt got a prophecy about a man who became Prime Minister of Israel.
Watch Now »God showed Rebecca Greenwood what to do when the devil comes knocking.
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